Just One Thing
Here’s the secret to sustaining solopreneurship when things get tough (and they always get tough)
If you’ve been working solo for any length of time, you’ll recognize this: Some days you’re flying down the road, wind in your hair, checking things off your to-do list like you’re spitting out watermelon seeds on a hot summer day. Total momentum. Life is easy, breezy, and fast.
On other days, you’re slogging through quicksand. Even small tasks seem a struggle, and you’re not sure if you’ll escape the muck or go under.
Yup. Welcome to the world of solopreneurship.
When you’re facing this rollercoaster of exhilaration and exhaustion, how can you continue to make progress? How does a solopreneur sustain momentum over months, years, or even decades?
The #1 momentum strategy
One strategy has kept me on track, whether the wind is at my back or pushing in my face.
Every day, do at least one thing to move your biggest project forward.
Some days you’ll rip right through your task list. But even on days when things seem frozen, push through and do just one thing to make progress.
It could be sending an email. Writing a paragraph or a page. Sketching out a website design. Making a phone call, setting up a meeting, reading a chapter and taking notes. Before your head hits the pillow, do just one thing.
The payoffs of momentum
Taking consistent incremental action does 3 things:
1) These actions accrue.
Small movements add up, compounding on each other. Some days you’re inching along. On other days you progress by yards or even miles. But it’s all taking you closer to your desired result.
2) Taking action becomes a habit.
Every action reinforces your commitment to be an action-taker. It trains you to be disciplined in your choices.
3) Action helps you avoid the demon of inertia.
Solopreneurs can easily fall into the overthinking pit. Should I, shouldn’t I? What if? Is now the right time? Maybe I’ll just wait and see…. This trap leads to doing nothing, which can start a downward spiral of self-doubt and stagnation.
Remember, solopreneurship is a journey, filled with both exhilarating sprints and challenging climbs. On the days you’re stuck, before your head hits the pillow, complete a daily action, no matter how small.
This momentum habit will instill discipline, keep you engaged, and help you avoid the crippling inertia of indecision.
Seasoned soloists know that every step, every day, matters. Here’s to making all of them count.
Wonderful message, Terri. I know this journey all too well.