It all started with exasperation.
“It’s not supposed to be this hard.”

In the early 1990s, I struggled after more than a decade of self-employment, trying to figure out how to grow my arts consulting firm. I read books, devoured audio programs (on cassette tapes), subscribed to magazines, and began exploring this new thing called the Internet. Frustrated that I couldn’t find any solid guides on starting a one-person business, I wrote one for all those who now wanted to join me.

Little did I know that it would start a revolution called solopreneurship.

A pioneer, ready for a new generation.

In 2023, I’m celebrating the 30th anniversary of that first book, Working Solo. It’s the book I wished I’d had when I started my business years earlier.

I’ve launched this newsletter to share insights from the journey, to consider what’s changed, and, most of all, to chart the future.

Each week you’ll get a quick take on the solopreneur journey, filled with the perspective of someone who’s been walking this path for decades — and still discovering new delights and challenges along the way (hello, AI!).

Discover what it really takes.

Whether you’re thinking about making the leap, have embarked upon the journey, or are a seasoned pro, come explore the things that make a solopreneur venture work. How your mindset outranks your skillset. Why selling is hated by solopreneurs, but doesn’t need to be. And just how much should you charge, anyway?

Of course, there’s more. Much more.

Marketing, business models, scaling, strategic partnerships, funding, legal entities, hiring contractors, tax traps, and more. I’ve lived it all — and want to save you buckets of wasted time, energy, and money.

Come join us.

In the early days, I always said: Working solo is not working alone.

These days, that’s even more true. Technology enables solopreneurs to connect so easily, from around the world. I look forward to showcasing these global voices and connecting you with others.

Welcome to this next chapter of Working Solo. Thanks for coming along for the ride.

—Terri Lonier

Subscribe to Terri Lonier’s Working Solo

Join the pioneer of the solopreneur movement on a weekly exploration of what it takes to build — and sustain — a one-person business.


My first book, Working Solo, launched the solopreneur movement (and the term ”solopreneur“) • I help solopreneurs stay energized and profitable during the marathon of running their business • 5X business book author • Founder, Solo Business School