Hey Terri - # 6 was my favorite from this list, and I especially appreciate the aside that competing with yourself is harder than pitting yourself against outer metrics. I don't know if you know who Russel Brunson is, but he founded the digital marketing platform Clickfunnels. In any case, he tells a story about growing and his dad hiring him to clean the family car. When he felt done he told his dad that he was finished, and his dad asked him if he was proud of the job he did. After reflection Russel went back and worked on the cleaning until he'd hit that inner mark of knowing he'd stretched to his best. That's when he was actually done.

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I know Brunson's work well (esp w Clickfunnels—what a story!), but had not heard this story. Thanks for sharing, Rick. And yes, I've long said that "Success is an inside job." It's at least 90% mental, especially for solopreneurs.

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